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Re: Position on Hunting and Fishing Rights Amendment

>Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 07:12:56 -0800
>To: RepTrail <>
>From: roger hayes <>
>Subject: Re: Position on Hunting and Fishing Rights Amendment
>Dear Rep. Trail:
>The addition of words to Idaho's Constitution is a very serious act.  One
>must be very cautious when adding, editing, or in any way changing it.  I
>feel this is social legislation at its very worst, designed to give
>benefit to a specific population of the state which is currently suffering
>no indignation, loss of freedom, and experiences little in way of
>prejudice. Why waste time and resources on it? Who is insisting that our
>legislature focus on this legislation? They must express undue power over
>our elected officials. This is disconcerting in a time when reform is
>knocking so heavily at government's door.
>I am very pleased with your support of education, campaign reform, and
>farm labor.  These are issues our state needs to address and I feel you
>bring enlightment to them, the political structure in Boise, and to the
>public at large.
>Thank you,
>Roger Hayes

Roger & Angela
838 E. 8th
Moscow, Id. 83843

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