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RE: Petition to Governor Kempthorne

Here are some statistics to chew on too:

Idaho's rank among the states in terms of percent of population (age 25 or
older) who have completed high school:  23  (i.e., right in the middle).
Idaho's rank among the states in terms of percent of population (age 25 or
older) who have completed a bachelor's degree or more:  45  (i.e., very
close to the bottom).

Post-high school education remains one of the surest paths to better incomes
for individuals and the "engine of economic development" for a state.  It
seems to me that Idaho should support more, not fewer, of its residents in
pursuing higher education by keeping fees low - exactly the opposite of
what's going to happen if these tax cuts are not suspended.

Food for thought,
Judy Brown

-----Original Message-----
From: Lori Keenan []
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 7:15 PM
Subject: Petition to Governor Kempthorne

Dear Visionaries,

Anyone interested in sending Governor Kempthorne a message about the
alarming dismantling of higher education in the state, please sign the
petition available at Bookpeople, which asks him to rescind last year's
tax cut.

Lori Keenan

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