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Re: Fire Station

There is no agreement with Latah County. The county government has nothing to do with fire protection. The Moscow Rural Fire District is a separate and distinct governmental unit, having its own district commissioners, and should not  be confused with the "county" government.
Doug Whitney
----- Original Message -----
From: John Danahy
To: Vision2020
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 1:09 PM
Subject: Re: Fire Station

The agreement with the county should have been completed prior to asking the city residents to fund a 2.5 million bond levy.  If I were a county commissioner, I would wait until after the election before making an agreement, thus if the bond passes I would enter into a lease arrangement that would cost the county fewest dollars possible, and if the levy failed, would look at funding capitol costs.
While the intent may be to offset the costs to the city residents with county money, the levy for 2.5 million is still asking city residents to fund entire amount of construction.  This is putting the cart before the horse.
Quite frankly, I feel that building a new station in the northern part of town, or even just north of town, is a good idea.  The growth to the north and east is continuing, with the housing construction in the county also growing.  Those houses, either in a city development or on a county parcel, will need the station.
However, the reliance of property tax revenue, especially limited to one segment of the protected population, needs to be questioned.
John and Laurie Danahy

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