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Re: Fire Station

Mark and Visionaries;
     The discussion has not been about the building of the fire station, rather it has revolved around the proposed funding mechanism and the rationale being used to promote a tax increase.
I believe it is a good idea to consider building a fire station on the north end of town.  As Mark says, it would increase the safety and peace of mind of those living on the north side of the city and the county residents living to the north.
I am concerned because, first, only a tax increase on just city residents is being considered as the funding mechanism.
Second, the reason being given to do it this way is to avoid an increase in insurance rates, but this reason apparently doesn't hold water for homeowners.  This does not help the cause.
Third, the apparent lack of long term planning evident from the various city/county functions that allow for expanded growth without considering impact on such things as fire services.
I tried, by referencing my personal cost under a ten year bond, to show that I, as a citizen of this community, would be willing to contribute to a building fund in ways other than tax increases.  A tax increase, approved by a simple majority of voters, imposes a cost on all, whether or not they can afford it.  Voluntary giving, especially for such good causes, allows those who can afford it, contribute however they can.  It may be slower, but the Quail Run addition has already been in place for several years. 
Finally, I object to the idea that only city residents should bear the burden of the construction of this station. 
John and Laurie Danahy

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