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RE: Ha... this one is short but packs a punch!

Well... I guess I can't get people excited about anything! I figured this
one would generate more debate!

You are right of course... we have been able to pray in our schools for a
long time. We just do not make people pray. But let us look at it a little
closer. Many faiths have obligatory prayers (Christianity did too but it was
not convenient so we got rid of it!). For example in Islam you are obliged
to pray at dawn, noon and dusk. This is why at noon life essentially stops
in Muslim countries. Do we have a place in our schools where a Muslim child
can go and pray in quiet privacy? It is easy for us to say that you can pray
anytime you want... but is it really true? Would a child be let out of class
so he/she could go and pray?

"Your brother in arms"

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Coombs []
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: Ha... this one is short but packs a punch!

> Just One Question:
> NOW that the President has called us to
> prayer.....
> NOW that Congress has called us to prayer.....
> NOW that our Governor has called us to
> prayer....
> NOW that the city Mayor has called us to
> prayer....
> NOW that the "liberal" media and most other
> branches of our American society
> have called us to prayer.....
> AND NOW that our churches are assembling in
> special prayer....
> "Honorable" Justices of the Supreme Court, I
> have only one question..
> Would it be okay to pray in our
> schools........??
> An American Citizen

I'm sure that in whatever schools the Taliban sponsor
or allow to exist, there is public prayer.

Think about it.

And of course private prayer is allowed in our schools
and everywhere in this country. We have just chosen, so
far, to avoid forcing people to participate or coercing
them into participation.

Those who wish for public prayer in the schools should
be satisfied with the fact that God is on our side in
this war, as always.

Don Coombs

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