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The Anti-Americans
Barry Farber
Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2001

Pretend you came to me the instant after the attack on America and said,
"Barry, you remember American students and others taking the side of the
Communists during the Cold War. You remember how their numbers multiplied
during the war in Vietnam. You remember how hordes of Americans tried to
keep freedom from the people of Nicaragua. You remember the candlelight
vigils for Saddam Hussein's Iraq after the Gulf War and the somewhat more
confusing redesigned protesters railing against America's role in what they
call "globalism." Surely you see the never-ending parade of Americans
praising the murderous dictator Fidel Castro. You even remember Americans
taking the side of Adolf Hitler before America was drawn into the war.

"Tell me, Barry. Now that you've seen what they did to innocent people in
New York, Washington and Pennsylvania, do you think there are going to be
Americans not only blaming America for this, but actually taking the side of
the terrorists?"

"No," I'd have said. "No, no way!"

And I'd have been wrong.

When the first of those blame-America voices came forward after the attack I
took notes. The big teach-in at the University of North Carolina calling on
America to begin by apologizing to the world. Then over to Berkley, Calif.,
where they were saying things even more hostile to America's behavior and
intent. I made sure I got the spelling right. I was going to quote them by
name and organization.

I changed my mind. Quoting a person by name in the public arena imputes a
standing and a dignity to the person quoted that I refuse to accord to those
blaming America and "explaining" if not actually excusing the terrorists.
Even when you assail other people's views most bitterly, you've still
somehow conferred a touch of collegiality upon them when you mention their
names. You've thereby turned it all into something like ladies and gentlemen
at the seminar disagreeing during the session between lunch and cocktails.

This is no forum.

This is war.

I no more care about their names than Marines on Okinawa squinted to see if
there were nametags on the Japanese soldiers coming at them with bayonets.
You don't have to mention their names to answer them.

My anger at this new crowd of "Blame America Firsters" is tempered by pity.
You didn't prance around the wheelchair of the crippled boy in school and
chant, "Ha, ha, ha. I can run and you can't!" And I don't feel like prancing
around this new crowd chanting, "Ha, ha, ha. I can THINK and you can't!"

They've got a vitamin missing from their brains. The vitamin is called
proportionality. The crimes of which they accuse America, even if true -
which they are mostly, manifestly, not - are dwarfed by the obvious and
undeniable crimes of the ones they support. And the virtues and good deeds
of the United States are omitted from their rhetoric as if they were
obscenities studiously censored by chaperones from a play about to be
performed on the stage of the Gaffney, S.C., YWCA.

Proportionality is the ability - and the willingness - to distinguish
morally between the mass murderer and the jaywalker.

"Hitler was an anti-Semite. My butcher is an anti-Semite. Come, let's
discuss these two anti-Semites."

That's the fragrance of what happens when the glands of proportionality just
don't pump.

America the "Great Satan," indeed! America, oppressor of Third World masses,
indeed. America, the despoiler of Palestinian aspirations, indeed.

It's true, in America you can see enough female geography on any billboard
to excite the heterosexual male. It even takes your gaze off the booze
advertisements. But you know something? Without attacking the ascetic
lifestyle of our attackers, let me venture a quiet word for mine.

It occurs to me that the countries that allow sex appeal and alcohol are the
countries that write the checks for the countries that horsewhip a woman if
she should show a half-inch of leg above the ankle and confine their legal
libations to nothing stronger than yak tea.

Is it news to anybody that our developed world PAYS for Third World
resources? And that the oil-rich satraps of the Near East COLLECT that
payment? And continue to keep their own people in poverty, oppression,
ignorance, totalitarian stranglehold and perpetual emotion?

And as for Palestinian aspirations, tell me: If a Palestinian state is so
important now, why was it never mentioned during all the years when all it
would have taken to achieve that would have been a stroke of the pen - until
1967, when Israel counterattacked and took that West Bank territory from the

Look at America; the country they exult at having wounded so grievously. Can
you name a country that ever amassed more power and abused it less? Can you
name a country that ever amassed more wealth and distributed it more fairly?

Can you name another country that was ever attacked by surprise as America
was in 1941, rallied to defeat both powerful enemies, and wound up with LESS
land than it had previously? (America gave the Philippines its independence
after victory in World War II.)

Can you name another country that, after victory, treated its allies and
enemies alike to massive rehabilitation and rebuilding? Instead of rape and
plunder we gave Germany and Japan democracy implants. They're both strong
and prosperous democracies today. And you call that "satanic"?

My cousin Guerney visited Germany and Japan a few decades after the war, saw
their democracy and prosperity, and came home and said, "I swear, I think we
LOST World War II and they lied to us!"

Other countries roll over countries when the fortunes of war turn in their
favor and somehow manage to keep those countries in their portfolios
forevermore. America restored liberty to every single country we helped
liberate in World War II. All we asked of them was enough land to bury our

Have you forgotten that America had the nuclear bomb exclusively for four
years beginning in 1945? Had we been so satanically inclined, we could have
folded up the world and stuck it in our glove compartment with no backtalk
Instead, we put the bomb away and hit Europe with the Marshall Plan, the
most generous and expansive program of rebuilding the world has ever seen.

Once America did, indeed, invade a communist country without provocation or
a declaration of war. Can you name it?

In the 1960s, Yugoslavia was stricken with an earthquake in the south in
what is now the independent state of Macedonia. The main city, Skopje, was
devastated. After failing to reach anybody in the terminally confused
capital of Belgrade, America just went in: troops, doctors, hospitals,
mobile operating chambers, food, clothing, blankets, medicine.

We've always chased fire engines around the world, bringing aid, comfort,
hope and help. Still, campuses from Chapel Hill to Berkeley insist WE are
the ones who have to change our ways.

Funny how the very same people who blame America for Sept. 11 insist that
NOTHING could have justified the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki -
not Pearl Harbor, not the rape of Nanking, not the death marches, not the
kamikazes, not the all-out attempt to own Asia and America by violent
takeover. NOTHING, the line goes, could possibly justify the atomic bombs on
two Japanese cities.

Apparently, though, there ARE some things that CAN justify the murder of
7,000 random Americans and citizens of other countries in New York,
Washington and Pennsylvania.

Were I to come face to face with those Americans who say it's all America's
fault and hooray for the courage of the terrorists, I would not shake a fist
at them or utter an obscenity.

Why use dynamite when insect powder will do?

[Barry Farber's daily radio program is heard on more than 65 stations across
America on the Talk Radio Network.]

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