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Re: this applies to Iran and Iraq as well!

>Your statement that "as a nation" the rest of us
>don't value it is a little off line.

Don't value it?  Or don't understand it?  Jethro's conception of Freedom is
that if another person calls him an "asshole," he gets to bust the other
guy's head open.  There's VERY little understanding of what Freedom is, in
the average American.  Freedom, to the average American, is that which
doesn't offend him, which is a very restrictive view of Freedom.

>If anyone hints to us that they are going to try
>to take our freedom away, or even infringe on
>it, our wrath will be unleashed.

Hmmm.  What would you call the series of infringements on the 2nd amendment?
No one cares about infringement upon Liberty until it gets personal.
That's the problem with this country.  If you don't see any infringement
upon Liberty in the historical attacks upon the right to bear arms, you
don't comprehend what Liberty is.

The very first thing that happens after an airline attack is people line up
to say there should be MORE security.  That is a taking of Freedom.  Yet
people wholeheartedly sign themselves up for that.

You also hear such takings is the often-heard, "If it only saves one life .
. ."

A more accurate statement is the American people will allow you to take only
so much of our Freedom, and THEN we'll get upset - MAYBE.  Until you reach
that point, feel free to push us around.

In the wake of the recent attacks, I know of a person whose daughter earned
a suspension from school because she had a bracelet with a charm in the
shape of a knife.  A 1" plastic knife, and she gets suspended from school.
Are the inmates running the asylum?  She can kill a person more easily with
her #2 pencil, but the "knife" gets her booted out of school.


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