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RE: Soccer Fans Attempt to Burn American Flag

Greetings -

I tend to disagree, Shahab.  Sure.  In the long run, when the going gets
tought and bloody, some allies may drop to the wayside.  But, I strongly
believe that most of them (those that truly count the US as a friend and
ally) will understand the meaning of Article 5 of the NATO Pact, fearing
that they, too, may experience a World Trade Center type of terrorist action
in their own back yard.

Tom Hansen

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Shahab Mesbah []
>Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2001 3:52 PM
>To: Moscow Vision 2020
>Subject: RE: Soccer Fans Attempt to Burn American Flag
>Indeed... many parts of Europe are not as friendly as most Americans think
>them to be. Unfortunately I believe that in general the international
>support we have now will be fleeting. As I mentioned earlier this is going
>to become bad... real bad... we are talking biblical here! The result? As
>with every Dark Age we can look forward to a more civilized and just world
>on the other side. It will take time but much of what has come to pass in
>the last two centuries has been preparing the world for unity. One of the
>first things we need (and badly) is a truly universal and powerful military
>and police system supported by a universal justice system. Our current
>systems are not able to deal with the worldwide issues that increasingly
>come before us. Many consider the League of Nations a failure but if you
>look at it for what it was you will see it as a success. Like a child just
>learning to walk we have to attempt a few times before we get it right. Now
>we have the UN, which many view as worthless... but again it is a step. We
>have world court systems already and as we work the bugs out things will
>fall into place. As with geology we cannot look at the evolution of
>civilization from the individual lifetime perspective. Just as the concept
>of the Unites States of America was tried by many cultures throughout
>history and finally brought to a level that it worked the next step is upon
>us. The problems we face today cannot be solved by our old systems. We find
>ourselves in an ever increasingly world wide environment. Economy, law,
>justice, and all the other aspects of our lives are affected by increasing
>number of people around the world. We now have the rudimentary tools to
>start the next level to civilization and truly ready ourselves for a global
>world. United States of America is the very blueprint for the next step. It
>is a natural evolution of our world. Every aspect of our lives is pointing
>to that direction.
>"Your brother in arms"
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Tom Hansen []
>Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2001 3:18 PM
>To: Moscow Vision 2020
>Subject: Soccer Fans Attempt to Burn American Flag
>Greetings Visionaires -
>As if there isn't enough heated discussion, I was browsing
>, keeping
>up on college football scores, when I came across this news item.
>I know that it will disgust you as much as it did me.
>Take heart, take care, and . . .
>Tom Hansen
>Work like you don't need the money.
>Love like you've never been hurt.
>Dance like nobody's watching.
> - Author Unknown

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