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RE: Soccer Fans Attempt to Burn American Flag

Indeed... many parts of Europe are not as friendly as most Americans think
them to be. Unfortunately I believe that in general the international
support we have now will be fleeting. As I mentioned earlier this is going
to become bad... real bad... we are talking biblical here! The result? As
with every Dark Age we can look forward to a more civilized and just world
on the other side. It will take time but much of what has come to pass in
the last two centuries has been preparing the world for unity. One of the
first things we need (and badly) is a truly universal and powerful military
and police system supported by a universal justice system. Our current
systems are not able to deal with the worldwide issues that increasingly
come before us. Many consider the League of Nations a failure but if you
look at it for what it was you will see it as a success. Like a child just
learning to walk we have to attempt a few times before we get it right. Now
we have the UN, which many view as worthless... but again it is a step. We
have world court systems already and as we work the bugs out things will
fall into place. As with geology we cannot look at the evolution of
civilization from the individual lifetime perspective. Just as the concept
of the Unites States of America was tried by many cultures throughout
history and finally brought to a level that it worked the next step is upon
us. The problems we face today cannot be solved by our old systems. We find
ourselves in an ever increasingly world wide environment. Economy, law,
justice, and all the other aspects of our lives are affected by increasing
number of people around the world. We now have the rudimentary tools to
start the next level to civilization and truly ready ourselves for a global
world. United States of America is the very blueprint for the next step. It
is a natural evolution of our world. Every aspect of our lives is pointing
to that direction.

"Your brother in arms"

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Hansen []
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2001 3:18 PM
To: Moscow Vision 2020
Subject: Soccer Fans Attempt to Burn American Flag

Greetings Visionaires -

As if there isn't enough heated discussion, I was browsing, keeping
up on college football scores, when I came across this news item.

I know that it will disgust you as much as it did me.

Take heart, take care, and . . .


Tom Hansen

Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody's watching.

 - Author Unknown

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