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Re: this applies to Iran and Iraq as well!

While "everybody knows" that Osama Bin Laden planned the Sept. 11 attacks, 
Germany's top news magazine, Der Spiegel, states "The FBI has discovered no 
solid connection between the attacks and Bin Laden."  This, of course, is 
obvious, because no evidence has been presented even in the U.S. media.  An 
attack on Afghanistan would be a desperate ploy by a desperate 
administration to look responsive and deflect attention from the fact that 
it was caught with its head in the sand.

Here is an interesting speech from Alternative Radio:
At 20 MB, I'm afraid it is a bit much to download for those stuck with 56k 
technology.  It is by Ekbal Ahmed (sp?), Professor Emeritus in 
International Relations and Middle East Studies at Amherst, MA.  Prof. 
Ahmed originally comes from Pakistan.  Ahmed has actually met Bin Laden, 
the proud student of the CIA.

Key points of what Ahmed said:

The U.S. has several definitions of terrorism, none of which are 
objective.  Also, the term never acknowledges that there can be a cause to 
such actions.

The concept of Jihad as political struggle was revived from a 400-year 
slumber by the CIA to motivate Osama Bin Laden and the other Mohaja Din to 
beat the Soviets out of Afghanistan.

Bin Laden's motivation: He wants American troops to pull out of the holy 
Muslim ground of Saudi Arabia.  Remember, his previous motivation was to 
get the other global superpower out of Afghanistan.  He won that round, and 
an empire crumbled.

Terrorism is the result of the combination of a feeling of hopelessness 
combined with anger.  You cannot eliminate terrorism without eliminating 
hopelessness and anger.

Battered children tend to grow up to be abusive parents.  The same things 
happen to peoples and nations.

How about covert actions?  The structure and environment of covert actions 
share much with the structure and environment of the drug trade.

Military actions against terrorism are seldom successful, and have 
unforeseen consequences.  The previous cruise missile attack on Afghanistan 
killed 25 people, but not Bin Laden.  Four missiles fell short into 
Pakistan, a 3rd-world nuclear power.  "It was the gift from Allah," said 
one Pakistani politician of an undamaged cruise missile that Pakistani 
scientists had for examination.

"Avoid extremes of double standards.  If you practice double standards, you 
will be paid with double standards."
Do not condone the terror of your allies.  Condemn it.  Punish it.
Avoid covert actions and low-intensity conflict.  These have a price that 
you cannot calculate.  See previous comments about the CIA training Bin 
Laden (presuming he is involved in this attack).
Focus on causes, and help ameliorate causes.
Terrorism is not a military problem, it is a political problem.  The 
solution must be political; any military response is in no way a solution.
Strengthen the framework of international law.  No international warrant 
has been issued for Bin Laden.

My closing comment:  Again, while there is much focus on Bin Laden, there 
is no evidence (he organized his group in cells, just like these 
Kamikaze's.  Wow.  So do Communists and numerous other groups). Spiegel 
magazine reports one of the suicide pilots had contact with Iraqi consular 
officials in the past 6 months.  Again, proof of nothing, but a 
circumstance that points in another direction.

It is easy for the U.S. to be wrong when we bomb.  Who can hold us accountable?

Bob Hoffmann
846 Mabelle St.
Moscow, ID  83843

Tel: 208 883-0642

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