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dispicable acts

I think some good will come of all of this.  These terrorists have committed
such a shocking act that it has galvanized world opinion.  That coupled with
President Bush's declaration that those people and governments that
protect terrorists are just as guilty as the terrorists themselves will
hopefully sound the death knell for world-wide terrorism on a scale that can
commit acts like this.  I like the idea of congress formally declaring war
terrorists even though they have no specific nationality or country.  This
would bring the military into the picture as never before and give them the
legal authority to actually invade hostile countries and root out nests of
terrorists.  The "host" country could resist, be passive or help us - their
choice, but the target would be the terrorists hiding in their country.   I
think world opinion would now favor this type of approach.  I believe that
wouldn't be long before terrorist groups were on the run and so fragmented
that they wouldn't be able to mount much of a terror campaign any more.

Up until a short time ago my sister in law worked at the Pentagon in one of
the offices that was completely destroyed. . . (no point, just a statement)
LuJane Nisse

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