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RE: FW: this about sums it up!!!

Dear friends,

I don't think giving your life is necessarily a sign of courage. It takes a
lot more courage to not resort to violence and try to deal with problems in
a civilized way. This pertains to ALL of us. I find it alarming that many of
our friends have turned to terrorists themselves in retaliation. If these
fanatics are successful in straying the American people away from the
fundamental ideals that make this county unique, we have indeed lost the war
against injustice, fanaticism, and prejudice already. 22 years ago I was
introduced to this concept and am sad to relive it today. Democracy is not
easy... freedom is not easy... there are responsibilities that accompany it.
We cannot throw stones when we live in a glass house ourselves. For us to
win this war we must avoid the temptation of taking the easy way and resort
to violence ourselves. These acts must not go unpunished but we need to be
certain that we are punishing the right people. You cannot fight terrorism
with terrorism.

"Your brother in arms"

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 8:50 AM
Subject: Re: FW: this about sums it up!!!

In a message dated 9/14/01 8:45:37 AM, writes:

<< What's the point of calling the terrorists cowards?
It's not going to help anybody to abuse the English
language. You might call them despicable, but calling
them cowards when they are willing to give up their
lives for a cause doesn't make sense.

You may not, we may not, agree that the cause has any
redeeming quality, but there's not much point to
calling terrorists every demeaning name we can think of
if those particular names aren't appropriate. >>

And I just got through saying no one was saying anything on V2020 about
despicable acts.

Walter Steed

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