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RE: Moscow teachers

Dear friends,


We also need to remember that we have consistently underpaid our teachers, perhaps the most important members of our society, and that often these teachers pay out of their own pockets for supplies and special events for the class. I personally witnessed this when last year one of my children’s teacher paid for the food for the end of the semester party out of her own checkbook.


Few weeks ago there was a great program on NPR that talked about the shortage of teachers in our country and the fact that many of the existing teachers are leaving this honorable profession because they cannot afford to live on the salaries. This problem is reaching critical proportions… many school districts cannot fill their openings and are resorting to lowering their standards for teachers.


Do we really want to continue this trend in our society? We face increasing competition from other countries for brainpower. US no longer can ignore the fact that most of its scientists, engineers, doctors, etc are foreigners who would leave US in a heartbeat if they could go back to their country! We have become lazy and apathetic and our children are going to suffer for it.


For those who are childless… just remember that someone paid for your education! It is time that we wake up and face the truth that we cannot afford to play political games and buy votes any more. We cannot look at the strategic defense of this country only in terms of military spending. Our country is in serious jeopardy due to the appalling state of education in our schools. We also suffer from lack of vision and prevalent political maneuvering within our school districts, which causes severe misappropriation of funds. This of course is dwarfed by the fact that southern Idaho takes far more out of north Idaho in form of taxes than it spends here. Indeed we would be a far richer state if we separated north from south and created a state of north Idaho! This is not an original idea… southern Idaho has been milking north Idaho for years... in fact this has been going on since they stole the records and the seal from the capital (Lewiston) and moved them to Boise! But I digress!


We are fortunate to have some great school in this town. My children are thriving at the Lena Whitmore School thanks to the dedicated teachers, staff, and an enlightened principal. We have the fortune to enjoy the dedication and fortitude of these men and women who give of themselves everyday to improve our society in the most real way possible. Education is a gift… we should not, however, take this for granted; there is a limit to generosity, benevolence, and dedication to service… one has to eat as well!


“Your brother in arms”





-----Original Message-----
From: Patricia Nelson []
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 12:43 PM
To: John Danahy
Subject: Re: Moscow teachers


Dear Visionaries,
        I think the key word in my earlier response is proposal--"a plan or offer, presented for acceptance or rejection," New World Dictionary.

        Concerning citizen input on spending, I feel Mr. Danahy hit the nail on the head.  This community should have a say as to how their tax $$ are being spent.  They should have been polled on the size and cost of the new Administration Building that sits at 650 N. Cleveland. The taxpayers should have been polled on the size and cost of the new bus barn and the new warehouse. They should also be polled on future plans for buildings and facilities, and should be informed about sources of funds to accomplish these plans.

Tricia Nelson :-)

John Danahy wrote:

Perhaps a different question could be asked regarding the issues Patricia Nelson wrote about.Are these issues to be discussed or demands imposed with the threat of a strike?Is the MEA proposing methods to achieve these demands within the budget or are children being used as hostages to force a tax increase?Where is the voice of the community heard? At one time this community voted each year on whether or not to provide extra funding to its teachers.  This extra funding, an @ 4.5 million dollar supplemental levy, is paid for by local property taxes.  Is it time to return to the practice of approving a supplemental levy each year?  I would certainly appreciate the opportunity to voice my opinion of teachers by voting yes or no on the supplemental levy. John John and Laurie Danahy

----- Original Message -----

From: Patricia Nelson



Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 9:53 PM

Subject: Re: Moscow teachers


Dear visionaries,
I can share a little on the issues of the teachers that are unresolved as of today. The following are the proposals of the Moscow Education Association:

·       Health care benefits for individuals and family members

·       Compensation for committee and extra-curricular duties

·       Respect for committee recommendations

·       Sufficient work time to prepare classrooms and curriculum for the upcoming year

·       Early retirement incentives

·       Adequate and equitable classroom budgets

·       Salary compensation package which addresses cost of living increases and is regionally competitive

·       PERSI

The Moscow School Board began mediation with 32 proposals, but they have been cut down to 10. The two teams are working with the Federal Mediator as I write this.  Hopefully talk will continue and a settlement will be reached quickly.

Tricia Nelson :-)

Lois Melina wrote:

Dear visionaries,

I saw teachers with signs in front of the District office today, so I'm
wondering what perspectives the people on this list have on the issues that
are unresolved. If someone can summarize what those issues are, I'd
appreciate that also.


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