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Re: mayor's pay raise

   You're right on of course.
   But this scratch-mine-scratch-yours approach is
much easier than running for re-election on a "raise
my salary" platform, don'tcha see?
   The Moscow City Council seems to have taken a page
from our Congresscritters--this is how they ALWAYS
raise their own pay.
--- Bill London <> wrote:
>     Let me get this straight.
>     1. Marshall Comstock is elected as Moscow's
> Mayor.
>     2. He later appoints his friend Steve Busch to
> the City Council.
>     3. Busch proposes a 50 percent raise to the
> Mayor Comstock.
>     Is there a hint of impropriety here?
>     Equally questionable is the justification that
> Comstock is doing a
> good job and deserves the money.  Comstock chose to
> expand what he saw
> as his job.  The city did not increase the Mayor's
> responsibilities.
> How many of us would like to redefine our jobs and
> boost our salaries?
>     So now he will earn more than twice the salary
> of the mayor of
> Lewiston.  And that's for Moscow which has a city
> supervisor and a
> strong council system.
>     Thanks to Peg Hamlett and Linda Pall for seeing
> through the smoke
> from whatever smoke-filled room this deal was cut
> and voting against
> this.
> BL

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