RE: The mall's apology
Re. the mall tree cutting incident, I would like an apology, an
explanation, and assurances it will not happen again.
I am particularly interested in knowing their thinking when they decided it
was ok to cut the trees last fall. Why did they think the trees needed
cutting? Why did they choose early Sunday morning to cut them? I am curious
to know where they got the idea that it was ok to do so w/o checking either
w/ the city or the university, i.e., the property owners. I would like to
know if they understand why some citizens were upset over the process and
the product of their actions. I would also like to know what they would do
differently next time.
I think this type of apology would go a long way to restore community trust
or at least mine. Otherwise the mall owners look like opportunists who got
caught and they would do it again if they thought they could get away w/ it.
I would think the store renters would like better community relations by the
mall owners than that.
I am looking forward to reading their "ad" in the Daily News.
Steve Cooke
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