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approved proceedings for the week of Feb. 26, 2001

Week of February 26, 2001

Commissioners Paul J. Kimmell, Loreca J. Stauber, and John A. (Jack) Nelson
met in regular session on Monday, February 26, 2001, and Wednesday February
28, 2001; the following actions were taken:

Approved, signed and filed the Commissioners’ Proceedings for the week of
February 21, 2001.

Signed and filed the Audit Report by Hayden, Ross & Co. for Latah County for
year ending September 30, 2000.

Approved, signed and filed a request for a Tax Cancellation by Robert
Hansen, MHD1280016004A.  Office error has been corrected.

Approved, signed and filed a request for a Tax Cancellation by Daryl
Reierson, PPR045. This equipment was personal use only.

By Motion and Order, authorized the Commissioners’ signatures on the
Certification letter to the Department of Juvenile Corrections regarding the
State of Idaho Fiscal 2001 Juvenile Block Grant Plan.  These funds are not
to replace funds already being spent on existing personnel or programs.

By Motion and Order, approved the Chair’s signature on the EMT Subsidy
Training Agreement between Latah County and Susan Petersen, and Latah County
and Susan Woodall.

Signed and filed the ICRMP Claims Loss Run for January, 2001.

Signed and filed the Fee Report for Clerk/Auditor/Recorder for January 1,
2001 through January 31, 2001.

Filed a letter of thanks from City of Bovill.

Filed the County Extension Budget Agreement between Latah County and the
University of Idaho for the year 2000-2001.

By Motion and Order allow Mike Kinner to serve  as a member of the Idaho 2nd
Judicial  Drug Court Planning Team and attend necessary planning and
workshops.  Commissioners Kimmell and Nelson voting for, Commissioner
Stauber voting against.

Having held a public hearing as provided by law, adjusted the 2000-2001
budget by Motion and Order as follows:
increased the Current Expense - Clerk/Auditor/Recorder Budget, line
01-01-0439-0000, Travel in the amount of $9 from $3,200 to $3,209 - revenue
Representative Gary Young;
increased the Current Expense - Elections Budget, line 01-15-0440-0000,
Supplies - Office in the amount of $540 from $8,300 to $8,840 - revenue City
of Bovill/Elections Contract;
a.	increased the District Court Budget, line 06-00-0621-0000, Jury - Jurors
Fees in the amount of $2,130 from $16,000 to $18,130 - revenue Fines and
b.	increased the District Court Budget, line 06-00-0622-0000, Jury - Mileage
Meals in the amount of $10,298 from $16,000 to $26,298 - revenue Fines and
c.	increased the District Court Budget, line 06-00-0624-0000, Jury -
Supplies in the amount of $6,000 from $2,000 to $8,000 - revenue Fines and
4.	a.	increased the Justice - Prosecuting Attorney Budget, line
08-07-0629-0000, Trial Expense in the amount of $40,000 from $86,250 to
$126,250 - revenue State IAC Capital Crimes Defense Fund;
	b.	increased the Justice - General Budget, line 08-18-0485-0000,
Professional Services - Court Appointed Counsel in the amount of $170,210
from $300,000 to $470,210 - revenue State IAC Capital Crimes Defense Fund;
5.	established the Indigent Budget line 16-00-0604-0001, Utilities - Avista
in the amount of $1,400 - revenue Donation by Avista Corporation;
6.	increased the Sheriff Community Policing Contracts Budget, line
32-00-0402-0000, Salary - Deputies in the amount of $14,000 from $32,000 to
$46,000 - revenue City Contracts;
7.	increased the Emergency 911 Budget, line 33-00-0806-0000, Capital -
Office Equipment in the amount of $30,000 from $10,000 to $40,000 - revenue
911 Fees;
8.	a.	established the Rural Youth Arts Program Grant Budget, line
52-00-0525-0000, Programs Expense in the amount of $5,000 - revenue JV
CORRECTION BLOCK GRANT 2000 (Fund 61-00); and
	b.	established a Cash Rural Youth Arts Program Grant Fund in the amount of
$5,000 - revenue JV CORRECTION BLOCK GRANT 2000 (Fund 61-00);
9.	a.	established the Federal Highway Administrative Trail Grant Budget,
line 62-00-0523-0000, Project Expense in the amount of $495,000 - revenue
Idaho Transportation Department;
b.	established a Cash Federal Highway Administrative Trail Grant Fund -
revenue Idaho Transportation Department;
10.	increased the Disaster Services TCMPA Grant Budget, line 72-0521-0000,
Operating Expense in the amount of $100 from $1,500 to $1,600 - revenue
State of Idaho Bureau of Disaster Services;
11.	a.	established the Federal Transit Administration Grant Budget, line
77-00-0475-0000, Vehicle Maintenance in the amount of $29,935 and line
77-00-0801-0000, Capital - Vehicles in the amount of $60,000 - revenue
Federal Transit Administration Section 5309 Discretionary Funding;
b.	established a Cash Federal Transit Administration Grant Fund - revenue
Federal Transit Administration Section 5309 Discretionary Funding.
These funds are unscheduled revenues or carry forward funds and the
expenditure of these funds will be at no additional cost to the taxpayers of
Latah County.  The Board authorizes and directs the County Auditor to make
the necessary adjustments.  Passed February 26, 2001.

At a public hearing as required by law, the Board took testimony on the
Betty J. Scott Estate Rezone Hearing #602 requesting rezoning a 15 acre
portion of a 23.78 acre parcel from Agriculture/Forest to Rural Residential
(RR-5), on February 26, 2001.  The Board set deliberations for March 5, 2001
at 3:30 p.m. Tapes and minutes are on file at the Recorders Office.

By Motion and Order, authorized the Chair’s signature on a grant application
to the Land and Water Conservation Fund by the Palouse Ice Rink Association.
Latah County is sponsoring, and not the applicant.

By Motion and Order, convened in Executive Session at 11:07 A.M. on February
28, 2001, to discuss “Records That Are Exempt From Public Inspection;
Indigent,” pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (1)(d). Adjourned at 11:40
A.M.  Two cases approved, one case denied.

By Motion and Order, convened in Executive Session at 11:44 A.M. on February
28, 2001, to discuss “Personnel Matters,” pursuant to Idaho Code Section
67-2345 (1)(a)&(b).  Adjourned at 11:55 P.M.

Passed RESOLUTION 2001-07:
WHEREAS, Don Bafus was a trusted and valuable advisor to the Board of Latah
County Commissioners, establishing and directing important public services
for the people of Latah County; and
WHEREAS, Don Bafus brought exceptional skills in analysis and negotiation to
his position as Solid Waste Director at Latah County, while maintaining the
humility and honesty which is highly esteemed by those with whom he worked;
WHEREAS, Don Bafus was held in highest esteem by his co-workers and
employees with whom he worked for over 10 years; and
WHEREAS, Don Bafus applied his sense of humor and an unparalleled compassion
for his fellow humans in all his dealings; and
WHEREAS, Don Bafus was without peer and will be sorely missed; The Board of
Latah County Commissioners, with other elected County Officials, and
Department Heads, therefore resolve:
To convey deepest sympathy to his wife Shirley Bafus and family; and to make
known to all persons that Don Bafus was worthy of the highest regard and
deepest appreciation for his selfless service for the public good;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that The Latah Board of County Commissioners,
Latah County, Idaho; with other elected County Officials and Department
Heads, and county employees who loved and respected Don Bafus will plant a
living tree and dedicate the courthouse outdoor break area in memory of Don
Bafus and his permanent contributions to our community. Passed this 28th day
of February, 2001.

Approved, signed and filed a request to implement approved change of
Cooperative Extension Administrative Secretary/Program Assistant, A06 to
Office/Program Coordinator, A08/09, effective March 1, 2001.

Approved and signed a letter to John Norton confirming Fairgrounds/Ice Rink
Negotiations between Latah County, the Fair Board, Rotary International, and
Palouse Ice Rink Association.

Approved, signed and filed a request for Solid Waste Exemption by Donald
Monson, MH40N01W222507A.

By Motion and Order, authorized the Chair’s signature on a request to change
the scope for the RV grant from Idaho Parks Department, which was authorized
by the Board on January 24, 2001, reducing the amount from $357,018 to

By Motion and Order, authorize the Chair’s signature on and authorize Susan
Petersen to serve as the Fiscal Agent for an Idaho Commission on the Arts
grant for the Kendrick/Juliaetta Arts Committee in the amount of $650.

All documents are available for inspection in the office of the

Susan Petersen

By:  Rachel Rausch
Deputy Clerk of the Board of Latah County Commissioners

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