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Re: down with corporate sponsorship?

I'm not opposed to a Jazz Festival at all, I am opposed to a Jazz
Festival that adheres to the "BIGGER! Better! More!" philosophy of
event planning.

Does U of I REALLY need a $60 million "Jazz Center"? Do we REALLY need
a new rec center? Hoover says yes, but it seems to be at the cost of
an affordable tuition for students from lower-income families. Yes,
there is some corporate sponsership, but it seems to be made for
providing more glittz, more style than necessary substance.

Example: I was a student at BSU when Albertson's gave the library a
bunch of money. The catch? The library's name is now "Albertson's
Library", apostrophe included last time I checked. "Who really owns
your library now?" the message seems to be saying...

When the actual _identity_ of an institution is CHANGED in exchange
for money, it is the same as prostitution. It is an unfortunate fact
of life that education in our state seems to be such a low priority
that library personnel are forced to resort to such debasing measures.

The most ironic thing was what they did with that money. A MAJOR
beuilding remodelling. Sure, the library is beautiful, with polished
brass and polished wood fixtures, but their holdings are roughly HALF
of what a library that size should have. So, BSU has a pretty library
that really impressed the prospective students and their parents, but
all that money did not enrich the learning experience at all. I
distinctly remember being frustrated so much with the BSU Library's
holdings (Sorry, the ALBERTSON'S library holdings), that i spent my
spring break up in the Palouse area doing research for my papers at U
of I and WSU's excellent librarys.  Once again, glitz over substance.

I have a feeling this Jazz Center will be pretty posh, just like the
Commons, but will only positively affect the education of a minority
of students. Meanwhile, tuition costs to the student keeps rising.

I'm not even going to get into the politics of industry-funded
RESEARCH and intellectual property issus. <*cough* *cough*
"Biotechnology Center"> Hoover has a vision for the university, but it
just differs from my personal philosophy regarding our U of I - that a
college education should remain affordable the commoners. 

I initially came to the U of I in 1984 as a freshman because they
offered a great education at an affordable price. Now it's all about
trying to be one of the "Top 100", I guess to attract a more rich kids
and out-of-state students. Unfortunately, tuition costs continue to
rise at rates that FAR outpace inflation; and more and more poor kids
are graduating under staggering debtloads or aren't even attending.

So, yes, in answer to your question, "DOWN WITH CORPORATE
SPONSERSHIP!" Let's make community events community events once again!
Let them be small, and affordable and places where you can not get
crushed in the crowds. I rue the day when the Renaissance Festival is
known as the "Petro-Dyne Industries in conjunction with the Moscow
Chamber of Commerce Rennaissance Festival"!


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