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I don't understand this whining about the Jazz Festival. Here we have
an event that turns a bunch of people from out of town (who happen to
be world class artists) into ambassadors for Idaho. They come here,
have a good time, and perhaps the next time someone is bashing Idaho
around them they'll pipe up and say something about how much fun they
had here. You can't buy this type of evangelism (Kempthorn's PR
campaign aside) from outsiders.

We also get a bunch of kids over here from all over the west. I've
seen busses from Port Angeles here this weekend and I've been told
high schools in California have bands competing. These are kids who
get to see Moscow and become evangelists for us, too.

Aside from that, what other events cause such a huge swell in income
for the service bases businesses in town? Everybody acts like this is
the worst thing to happen here, but for a few days of parking problems
a year we get to rake in $$$ and goodwill.

I just don't see the problem.

Ry Jones
Airgap Networks / Moscow, ID 419 730 2199 (fax)

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