Re: Shrubs and tact
I have continued to pose that exact question (when is the city going to
act?) to various city functionaries and continue to receive the same
response (bland assurance, very soon, we are very concerned, etc). The
city officials say they are gathering information, checking out a police
report that has not been yet made public, etc.
Do I sound dispirited and cynical?
Do I think the mall made an assumption that they could violate Moscow's
ordinances, cut the trees, and show off their cute new remodelled
parking lot with no tree barrier during the holiday buying season, and
then be offered a negotiated package to settle this quietly sometime in
Could be.
Don Coombs wrote:
> Vision 2020 seems an appropriate place to report that
> several Moscow City Council members responded to my question
> (in late November or early December?) about what the council
> was going to do about Palouse Empire Mall management sending
> workers to attack the shrubbery out there on a weekend when
> no one was likely to notice.
> All but one of the responses was tactful, and I appreciated
> that. All said that the proper city officials were
> investigating what could and should be done, and that the
> council would act when it had the proper information to base
> action on.
> I have been away, and so I probably missed what the council
> decided to do. If it has not acted yet, I would like some
> kind of idea when it might -- 2002, or 2003 or 2020? (In
> another couple months it will be too late to order and get
> delivered and planted ((while dormant)) the kind of large
> and attractive shrubs that were removed.)
> Tactfully, Don Coombs
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