New High School
To answer Salant's questions about the suddeness of a "planned" new
high school {quotation marks mine--this is all proposal so far). I
attended a public meeting a year or so ago where Supt. Fisk had the
consultant who studied the current school district buildings and their
recommendations to a group of 30-40 attending.Fisk also gave out the
school districts predictions of enrollment (you'll have to ask him for
the complete numbers). Anyway there was a public meeting on this and
since then I myself have been a very strong supporter of a new high
school. Maybe Fisk will present another public meeting to get the
community up to date on the district's thinking behind all the school
buildings (which include building a new h.s., remodal existing
buildings, shifting age groups/grades. While I have no children, I
realize my taxes will be affected by this, but feel very excited that
Moscow can get its high schoolers into a facility they can be proud of
and improve their enviroment of learning. The current high school
building and the gym at the junior high has alot to be desired. You'll
be surprised of what desperate needs they have. We cannot have a
beautiful univeristy campus and a substandard school district campus
here in Moscow!
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