RE: Democracy or Republic
You'll find it in Jefferson's papers, Hamilton's Federalist, and it's
implied in the general construction of federal government. It's also
reflected, in keeping with social philosophy of that time, in the
denial of voting in certain states to Catholics, Jews and members of
other sects. to non-property owners, to women and, of course to
slaves (counted as 3/5 persons to give the southern states more
representation). If these provisions do not reflect a fear of the
general population, whose disenfranchised people out-numbered the
franchised by about 4 to 1, I don't know what you would define as
fear of the popular will. Even since l920 and the voting rights act
of l965, there are still many, many subtle ways in which some
partisan politicians seek to prevent certain categories of citizens
from going to the polls: outright intimidation, "running out of
ballots", closing polls early, blockading access to polling places,
refusals to assist minorities, elderly, infirm, etc to cast correct
ballots, using worn out voting machines, confusing ballots, and still
other devices. All of these things have been documented and, in the
FL case, some of them no doubt will lead to legal cases filed against
the FL government. We'll have to see. WKM
>"founding fathers did not trust the public to make the right decisions"
>That is a pretty bold statment. I don't remember leaning that in
>U.S. History.
> John Cavalieri
> >
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