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Re: Democracy or Republic

Ought we add:  Why bother to vote when the Republic has laws that can 
disallow votes that those running the Republic deem offensive? Today 
in Tallahassee, the other Bush verbally confirmed (he and his key 
leaders in government) that it is now obvious that FL election laws 
and procedures need overhaul! How kind of them. To be sure, we have 
not heard the last of the Bush Dynasty. With the FL experience, they 
are well trained in the techniques of subverting the popular vote to 
their interests. As for their judiciary, did you observe the several 
verbal threats that Bush attorneys volleyed against Circuit Judge 
Sauls, if he were to rule against them? He should have laid contempt 
of court on them, but since he already had his agenda set by their 
bosses, he dared not do so.  Ken M.

>At 12:08 PM 12/14/2000 -0500, wrote:
>>Ron Paul, Congressional Representative from Texas, has put forward the
>>following to remind everyone that this is a REPUBLIC, NOT A DEMOCRACY, and to
>>re-affirm our Constitutional Presidential electoral process.
>Why stop here?  Why doesn't he bring back Jim Crow laws?  Hell, 
>slavery was a matter of "States' Rights," maybe we should bring that 
>Eager to run from the future,
>Bob Hoffmann
>846 Mabelle St.
>Moscow, ID  83843
>Tel: 208 883-0642
>Fax: 877 495-2279

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