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RE: Regional hospital

I've been asked why as a skilled mediator I biased my message with a line or
two that allows readers to infer that I have the interests of the two
communities uppermost while those who oppose a consolidation are either
afraid or less high minded.  Good question so I am sharing this with

I asked this question as a citizen, not a facilitator.  I am really wanting
to understand.  I've been told there is no hope of seeing our communities
join together.  I am very disappointed because it means I have to pay a lot
for half, or less, of the service.

So, my question deepens, beyond hospitals.  Is it possible for communities
to look to the greater good, or function at the highest denominator, versus
the lowest denominator of the communities?

Of course, I have seen the "yes" answer to this in other groups and
communities I have worked with.  However, this is "my" community and I'd
like to see us take the high road.  That's why I wrote to the "visionary"
group.  I expect a lot from this group.

Thanks.  Jeff

Carl Jeffry Goebel
Goebel and Associates
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