Fwd: Re: What's your take on petroleum?
Visionaries: A cogent view from a Portland resident about the rising
costs of fossil fuels (and also, we know, of other energy sources),
who subscribes to the concepts and practices of "Holistic Management"
(based in Albuquerque, NM). I think you can agree that we Moscow-ites
are already there, but this could change as it has in Boise and Coeur
d'Alene (not to mention Spokane). Who profits most from urban
expansion/sprawl? Just food for thought. KM [PS: The U Texas post
referenced is a statement by an energy researcher who states that
petroleum use and reserves will peak in 2005, then begin a steady
decline unless huge new reserves are found]
>Mon Sep 18 07:29:55 2000
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>Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 07:30:02 -0700
>Subject: Re: What's your take on petroleum?
>From: (Kim McDodge)
>Let's see - from a city place -
>Our take on petrol has been to get rid of driving and settle down and walk
>alot and bike and bus some and on for 20 years as if the 70's was true in
>its shortage. The quality of our lives just plain went up. Denial was
>broken a bit at a time. Frankly, I am looking forward to this 'cause
>daily life will be more breathable in this City, maybe if it doesn't burn
>by people going thru withdrawal. We are directly involved in our food,
>making bread, growing veggies and brewing and selling compost teas out of
>a tiny urban CSA.
>I have enjoyed seeing the consensus and HM people in WA get a positive
>beat going on all this and I am unable to follow in that direction being
>that for me continuity - one day at a time- seems to break the hope and
>despair cycle that is so strong in our culture.
>Besides changing our eating habits and kitchen work - Terence grinds the
>grains with a champion juicer attachment - Sour dough and yogurt are
>staple....we have been working a food buying club awhile. We try to use
>food distributors who are close and local. When the oil runs out we can
>prioritize pretty easily and our habits may support us. ....may.
>I would appreciate any conversation on this list as to changing daily
>habits in the face of this mess. For all the talk about getting beyond
>reptile brains and fear/adrenal reactions, I still see a whole lotta
>pumped up people driving madly about. I know this is a disease and we all
>gotta hit bottom thru it and we cain't hep ourselfs and all.
>What a grand, high olde time we had! Now let us talk one another thru
>this contraction - these shocks that sure as shootin' are coming down the
>pike.... unless Gold's ideas that oil is a unlimited microb exluded from
>the core... fat chance.....
>Kim McDodge
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