You're invited to the Old-Time Crafts Day at the Phillips Farm
Everyone, young and the young at heart, is invited to the Phillips Farm this
Saturday the 23 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM for the Old-Time Crafts Day.
Activities include craft demostrations (including cider pressing candle
making and more!), games, races, nature walks, and hay rides. From noon to
2 PM lunch will be offered as you are serenaded by live folk music. Many
options for lunch will be available as youth groups will be on hand selling
baked goods and baked potatoes as a fundraiser. Also a delicious Porky's
Barbeque sandwhich will be available for $4.50.
This is everyone's opportunity to see what is going on a the Phillips Farm,
discover the Farm for the first time, learn how things were done in the
"Good old Days", or just have fun. We are counting on your support in this
project and hope to see you there. Come hungry and ready to have fun!
The Phillips Farm was donated by Virgil Phillips to be used for youth
recreation. It is our goal to fulfill his wish by providing a place for
youth to learn and have fun in the natural environment. The farm is located
five mile north of Moscow on Hwy 95. Go over Steakhouse hill and it will be
on the left. If you have any questions about the Craft Day or the Phillips
Farm in general, please call me at 883-5709 or e-mail me and I will be happy
to talk to you.
Andrew Grant
Latah County Parks and Recreation
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