Re: Alturas and the Future of Urban Renewal Business Forum
- To: "Moscow Vision 2020" <>
- Subject: Re: Alturas and the Future of Urban Renewal Business Forum
- From: Ken Medlin <>
- Date: Tue, 28 Mar 00 21:44:47 -0800
- Resent-Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 09:42:49 -0800 (PST)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <>
- Resent-Sender:
BL: This set of "actors and scenario" appears to me to be clearly
stacked in favor of insiders who in one way or another would have some
stake in the character of the enterprise, which is largely funded from
public funds, but which is under the partisan control of a small group of
investors ("speculators?") out to make some bucks out of the public
trough. Do you know WHO engineered this meeting, and for what purposes,
and for what audience paying a $10 fee to get into a discussion of a
publicly financed development? Really, the crass boldness of some
interests who take the rest of us for dummies and dupes is rather
amazing! This kind of political maneuverung certainly does not speak
well for the character of certain of our elected leaders; in f act, it
reveals a distrust of the community at large and a disdain for open,
responsible procedures for conducting the public business.
Mayor Comstock has never either acknowledge receipt of nor responded
to my letter of inquiry last December (reprinted in the DN) raising a set
of basic questions about Alturas procedures, design and financial status.
I can now see why, in retrospect.
I have somethjing already scheduled for April 5 at noon, but will
try to get out of it to attend this, if I can. Do you know anyone else
who will be monitoring the event and taking notes? Eventually, all this
crap will have to be reported out into the public forum, at the right
time. I don't know how well the DN, or people like Murf Raquet, is
covering this aspect of business, but they certainly ought to be doing
so. Talk to you later. KM
William K. Medlin
Dev-plan associates
930 Kenneth Street
Moscow ID 83843
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