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Re: training opportunities=Advertisement?

>appropriate venue for advertising
Thanks for the note!  My motivation for transmitting that announcement 
was purely intellectual, not financial, as I have absolutely no 
connection with the trainers or their training organization, even tho' we 
may belong to the same parent agency, headquartered in New Mexico. At our 
Visioning meeting on Feb. 12 I also left some flyers announcing another 
training session here in Moscow, March 13-15 (another in Pullman March 
6-8). I'm not at all involved in these programs, tho' I support them in 
principle, because I know of no other human management systems that 
address the issues related to natural and human preservation in so 
effective, non-conflictual means as does holistic management theory and 
practice. There are thousands of real life examples testifying to this 

I did in fact apologize to the person who objected to the post, 
explaining my motivation. I appreciate anyone's concern and, also, in the 
spirit of tolerance, plead for mutual understanding and respect in these 
matters where we hold differing attitudes.  Peace, salem, shalom, mir, 
pax....   Ken M.

William K. Medlin
Dev-plan associates
930 Kenneth Street
Moscow ID 83843

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