Re: Alturas Park
W. Robb Parish wrote:
> . . . Let's either move this discussion along or lay it to rest.
> Robb Parish
Dear Vision2020:
Wrong! The problem is that a problem-plagued, legally suspect,
City-sponsored, taxpayer-funded, development deal is being mis-used. The
Alturas business park was intended for NEW, high-tech businesses. It was
NOT intended as a relocation site for established down-town businesses;
it was NOT intended as a professional business park for lawyers and
doctors and the like; it was NOT intended as a development site for
private speculation; and, it was not intended as a Moscow citizen
taxpayer drain, which it has apparently become.
The contructive input, as I perceive it, from Bill London and others,
has been to use Alturas for its intended purpose and prevent it from
becoming a siphon for our downtown or other businesses, or an attraction
to more chain stores that add nothing to our community. The idea of
Alturas was to create a taxpayer-funded magnet for high-tech businesses
and their quality, lasting, high paying jobs.
I do not see that anyone in our local governments is doing much to
monitor Alturas and make sure that it is used for its intended purpose.
It is especially depressing that, with the exceptions of City
Coucilwomen Peg Hamlett and Linda Pall, no elected official has anything
useful to say about the subject. There has been a sad case of
head-in-the-sand, let's-hope-it-blows-over attitude so far. In this
respect, it is heartening to see The Idahonian finally picking up the
story. Maybe now we can hope for some answers and actions.
Duncan Palmatier
Patent Law Office
530 S. Asbury, Suite 5
Moscow, Idaho 83843
Tel: (208) 892-2962
Fax: (208) 892-3853
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