Re: Archiving the Good, Bad and Ugly
Mr. X wrote:
> Ann McMillan <> wrote:
> > I agree with another's comment that foul
> > language does not need to be used on this or any
> > other list. It is offensive to me.
> ******************************************
> So do we really want all V2020 messages archived and
> posted at the "Welcome to Moscow" website? Complete
> with expletives, graphic descriptions et al...
Perhaps this is the question people should ask themselves before they
post. Always remember, email doesn't go away. Emails that you sent months
or years ago still exist in archives, on the machines of recipients, or
other places. It is as public a forum as speaking on a street corner. So,
when emailing, for any reason, people should ask themselves if they want
what they say to be "heard" by others, possibly random passers-by, or
"remembered" down the road. I think people would flame, cuss, and make
fools of themselves a bit less.
> And, for that matter, what purpose are the archives
> really serving?
As for myself, when I joined V2020 I reviewed the archives for the
previous several months to get an idea of what people had been talking
about, where the threads had come from. I've also used them to refer to
past issues and discussion that have been mentioned.
> Mr. X
Robert Anton-Erik
"The medium is not the message,
the message is the message."
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