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Re: Shahab on more soap

I don't know what the "rules" of internet communication are, but I would
suggest we communicate with one another as if we were sitting together
in a common physical space. The group process and dynamics are at risk
for being blunted by email communication; I am concerned that the email 
phenomenon is creating a new type of insensitivity.  The Moscow 2020
community bulletin board is an opportunity to share from the comforts of
our homes, desks, offices, etc.  OUr environment for communicating and
sharing thoughts and ideas has conveniently expanded. Human etiquette,
thoughtfullness and freedom of expression remain the same.
Maree McHugh  

Judi Thompson wrote:
> I am surprised by the rudeness of some people.  There are some posts I
> delete rather than read. I just don't need to get my blood pressure out
> of whack over this list.  Sounds like PC needs to try that approach.
> Judi Thompson

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