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Re: Husky

Wow!  Major hostility!

Having owned a pawn shop for 10 years, I know a little about the
gun/sporting goods store.  Husky is not there to please everyone.  He
cannot compete with Wal-Mart on the "bulk" items.  (Things like .22 ammo
and some of the new rifles were on the shelf at Wal-Mart cheaper than I
could order it wholesale.)  But the beauty of the free-market system is
that he doesn't have to.  He has his niche and his customers.  He sells the
things that his customers buy.  If he makes a profit that he thinks is high
enough, then he will stay in business.

Actually, Husky is the cheapest place in town to buy gas.  His sign doesn't
show it any cheaper than anyone else, but he gives a 3 cents per gallon
discount for cash.


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