Palouse Medical Care
Since Gritman is paying big bucks for full-page spreads in the DN and
LMT to give its viewpoint on what should not be done, I'll put in
my two-cents worth as to what I think CAN be done.
Even with my limited experience as chair of the Latah Health Services
board of directors, I do know something about the problems of medical
care on the Palouse. We all agree that our goal is to provide the best
possible medical service for the lowest possible cost so that we all can
remain solvent. And we need greater cooperation between medical
facilities on the Palouse. So here is my proposal that I submit to
Vision2020. You can cuss it, discuss it, tear it apart, or click on the
delete button. But it is my hope it will at least generate some comment.
Create a non-profit corporation called the Palouse Medical Care
Alliance (off the top of my head, but "Alliance" is appropriate). It could
be incorporated under the laws of Idaho or Washington, or both. The two
hospitals would be the main members but other medical facilities in the
Palouse could become members if they so chose.. It might mean giving
up some of their autonomy, but not much. They would still be governed
by their separate boards.
The PMCA would have its own governing board made up of
representatives of the two hospital boards (also include other facilities if
they join), physicians, and lay representatives from the public. CEOs
would not be on the board but could serve as resource people. The board
could be a policy-making body only and deal with such things as duplication
of services or expensive equipment, etc. Both Moscow and Pullman would
retain their own hospital but there would be agreed upon cooperation between
them. Each could serve the same areas as they do, but some services would
be at one hospital or the other. The PMCA would serve as a vehicle to bring
about the necessary cooperation to provide for community needs and help to
control both quality and costs. But it must have some authority to take certain
This is simply the germ of an idea in very simplistic form. But if we are
going to achieve what we want to achieve on the Palouse, there must
be some mechanism to bring it about. Building a separate surgical center
can only make things worse.
Some will say that this is just creating another administrative layer.
Maybe so. But something like this is necessary to get things done in the
public interest. It is unlikely the two hospitals will be able to do it by
themselves, even after a $340,000 study. We all have a stake in this.
Bert Cross
1448 Borah Ave.
Moscow, ID 83843
Phone: (208) 882-7660
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