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Re: alturas, office depot, downtown

 > Or maybe the city could declare downtown law offices to be in a blighted
> > and provide tax incentives to FIX THEM UP rather than having them move 
> > so-called technology parks...
> >
> > Mike Curley

It is difficult for the small business owner to close and have a building 
remodelled with no income at the same time.
Let alone consider that a chain store might move in and nip you while you 
try to recover from debt.
I found it difficult to consider improvement outside of operating my own 
business especially detail work with regard to presentability... always to 
much other work to do and tight budgets.
Although I had a blast helping paint the Moscow Industrial Ghetto sign on 
the Idaho Forge building...soon to be gone I suspect.
Browns furniture built a new store and probably made a shift with little 
down time.
The Co-op has done a remarkable job of working with old down town 
building's.....of coarse it helps to have some cooperative folks.

There seems to be this trend though... build a new building because of 
inadequacy in an old one...leave old building behind. The old building fills 
back up...Problem avoided by one but inherited by another.
The British are doing business out of 500 year old buildings.

Does the chamber of commerce have a wish list?

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