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Re: alturas, office depot, downtown

> Or maybe the city could declare downtown law offices to be in a blighted
> and provide tax incentives to FIX THEM UP rather than having them move to
> so-called technology parks...
> Mike Curley

> > Reply-to:      "John and Laurie Danahy" <>
> > From:          "John and Laurie Danahy" <>
> > To:            "Lois Melina" <>,
> > Subject:       Re: alturas, office depot, downtown
> > Date:          Thu, 6 Jan 2000 23:18:17 -0800
> > Organization:
> > Lois
> >      Your post got me to thinking about a Spokane TV station news story
on the aftermath of the recent restaurant fire.  seems the owner of the
building had left it empty for over three years before >      The thrust of
the news story was that many own
> ers of abandoned or "empty" buildings leave them sit and rot.  There is
very little upkeep done, roofs leak, wiring goes bad, and eventually a
disas>      One interesting side bar to the story mentioned Baltimore, where
the downtown had many such rotting
>  buildings.  In order to create a more vibrant downtown area, and spur
owners of buildings to m>
> > John and Laurie Danahy
> >

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