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End of Millenium List

My votes for this list would be as follows:
Mid part of the century
    Thomas "Rex" Walenta
Latter part of the century
    Norma Dobler
        Nothing against Linda Pall, but Norma influenced our area in the same                 diligent manner for a far greater period of time and also did many things to             benefit the state as a whole.
I was fortunate enough to have been raised across the street from both of these great people.
Honorable mention
    "Doc" Lucas
    Boyd Martin
    Cliff Dobler (there has been no better professor at the U of I)
Personal favorite
    Sidney Miller (my father) I can't think of anyone who has helped graduates of         both the U of I and WSU any more than he.  He served as placement director at     one or the other of these schools from the early sixties until the late eighties.
I have no way of really judging the first sixty years of the century.  I've only been around this area for 42.
Mark Miller

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