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Re: Re: approved proceedings for the week of December 13, 1999

I can answer your question about what a tracker is.  I worked for Latah County Youth Services (Juvenile Probation) for three years.  A tracker is an individual who is hired to transport juveniles to community service sites, school, job interviews, counseling appointments etc.  Trackers also set up electronic monitoring equipment when juveniles are placed on home detention.  Youth Services goes through quite a few each year because most trackers are college students and the job doesn't have regular hours.  It's a part-time on-call position.  I hope that helps.
Nikki Agidius
----- Original Message -----
From: bill london
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 1999 6:48 PM
Subject: Fwd: Re: approved proceedings for the week of December 13, 1999

Here is a question for Sam Duncan or others in Latah County
government.....(taken from the Latah County Commissioners agenda)
I have no idea what "tracker" means in this context, and what Latah County
needs one for....BL

>From: "JS M" <>
>Subject: Re: approved proceedings for the week of December 13, 1999
>Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 10:08:32 PST
>Mr. London:
>what's a tracker?  I see appointments for trackers all the time, but I just
>haven't a clue what one would do.
>>Request to hire Joshua T. Kahn as Tracker.  Table of Organization, Youth
>>Services, Department 08B, Line 05.  Effective December 9, 1999.

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