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Fwd: Re: approved proceedings for the week of December 13, 1999

Here is a question for Sam Duncan or others in Latah County 
government.....(taken from the Latah County Commissioners agenda)
I have no idea what "tracker" means in this context, and what Latah County 
needs one for....BL

>From: "JS M" <>
>Subject: Re: approved proceedings for the week of December 13, 1999
>Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 10:08:32 PST
>Mr. London:
>what's a tracker?  I see appointments for trackers all the time, but I just 
>haven't a clue what one would do.
>>Request to hire Joshua T. Kahn as Tracker.  Table of Organization, Youth
>>Services, Department 08B, Line 05.  Effective December 9, 1999.

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