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Fwd: List Serve Etiquette

Subject:     List Serve Etiquette 
Sent:        12/26/19 2:23 AM
Received:    12/23/99 10:25 AM
From:        Jon Barrett,
To:                       [Shared with Moscow 
Vision 2020 as a fair statement on what a list
  such as ours might be guided by in submitting text for all to read. It 
  espouses principles and decorum which others might consider to be 
 reasonable and desirable.  Ken M.]
=====  A message from the 'smartgro' discussion list  =====

Your participation in the smart growth email list says a lot about your
commitment to your neighborhood and community.  We'd like to pause a 
to honor and appreciate this commitment.  Thank you.

We also wish to remind you that the well-intended postings of individual
subscribers are not endorsed by Idaho Smart Growth.  The list serves its
purpose well by encouraging the free exchange of ideas and information.  
do not want to discourage discussion of controversial subjects.

If  you see a posting and are confused about whether or not it represents
the official position of Idaho Smart Growth, it does not.  Positions of
Idaho Smart Growth are clearly identified as being posted by the staff 
Smart Growth.  If you have any question about a particular posting, please
call the Idaho Smart Growth Office at 333-8066.

Because we are a non-profit, non-partisan organization, we ask that list
subscribers refrain from posting material that could be assumed to be an
official position of Idaho Smart Growth.  Examples include using the email
list to conduct letter writing campaigns, campaigns for political office,
personal condemnation of individuals and elected bodies.  While it is
appropriate to use this list to announce such things as an intention to
conduct a letter writing campaign, the letter writing itself should occur
off list. In other words you may appropriately announce your intention to 
something, but should then ask those interested to contact you personally 
actually conduct the work you have announced. Again, please call us at the
Idaho Smart Growth office at 333-8066 if you have any questions (either 
or in the future).

If you have any comments about these issues we look forward to a healthy
discussion about them on the list (

Please remember, unless it is clearly identified as such, nothing posted 
this email list constitutes an endorsement or official position of Idaho
Smart Growth.

Thanks for your support of Idaho Smart Growth this past year and have a
great 2000!

Jon Barrett and Elaine Clegg
Idaho Smart Growth Co-Coordinators

William K. Medlin
Dev-plan associates
930 Kenneth Street
Moscow ID 83843

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