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Re: Phillips Farm

Dear Peggy and Visionaries,

Years ago (literally!) there was discussion of a university farm along these
lines. I have forgotten exactly who was involved but I vaguely remember
someone in Anthro (?) or maybe history... The prospect is exciting for the
model farm... I'm not sure whether the particular layout and land would work
really well but I like the idea enormously.

Another idea that was floated about two years ago was an "Art Park." Several
towns across the country have been very successful in taking a large tract
of land and providing area for sculpture mainly but areas within these parks
for art activities, children's shows, etc. I liked that one too and thought
it might be especially good considering the wishes embodied in the Virgil
Phillips bequest... to benefit children and youth.

At that time, the focus was on environmental science and the school district
partnership with Better Living, Inc. And THAT was a wonderful project, too,
thanks to the energy of Loreca and so many others associated with the project!

Maybe it is time to do a creative community planning workshop to ask any
county resident (in or out of the city) and anyone else with ideas and
energy to come together with a facilitator to consider the all the
possibilities (and some we haven't even thought of yet) as well as how to
translate the great ideas into reality with funds and people and the rest.

I am reminded of Mark Twain's father's exhortation to him: "Buy land, son...
they ain't makin' any more."

Thanks again, Peggy, for your provocative and interesting proposal!

All the best,
Linda Pall
Moscow CIty COuncil
Candidate for Idaho's First District COngressional Seat!

At 03:38 PM 12/9/99 -0800, you wrote:
>I would like to see the Phillips farm honor the history and tradition of
>family farms while providing experiential learning for students of all
>ages, income from farm and value-added products and, possibly food for the
>food bank or school lunches. In this way the farm could serve to reconnect
>people to the land and students could learn no only the sources of their
>food but learn to appreciate the risks and joys of producing it.
>The farm could be set up as an integrated pre-WWII family farm with a
>kitchen garden, a market garden, and a variety of income crops in lots
>small enough to be worked by one family. Animals integrated into the system
>so that as little off-farm inputs need be purchased and a complete variety
>of foods and experiences would be available.
>Students could particpate in planting, caring for and harvesting crops.
>Crops could be sold at farmer's market by students for income to expose
>them to the practical economics of farming.  One or several value-added
>products (willow baskets, prepared horseradish,  salad dressing, whatever)
>could be researched, developed, and marketed by students.  There are
>several product for which there is greater demand than supply in the Moscow
>area, these include fresh, certified raw milk and well-made goat cheese.
>I'm aware that a project like this would require substantial start-up
>funding butI know that projects like this have been funded in several
>places around the nation.  Examples and resources are available.  The
>Community Food Security Coalition could be approached for funding as well
>as the Kellogg foundation.
>Peggy Adams
>Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute
>P O Box 8596; 112 West 4th St; Suite #1
>Moscow ID 83843-1096
>Phone (208)882-1444; Fax (208)882-8029
>Please Note our individual staff email addresses below:
>Thomas C. Lamar, Executive Director:
>Peggy Adams, Watersheds/Food Systems:
>Jon Barrett, Idaho Smart Growth:
>Elaine Clegg, Idaho Smart Growth:
>Anita Grover, Watersheds:
>Laurie Guardes, Financial Manager:
>Ashley Martens, Environmental Education:
>Lisabeth Edlund, Americorp/Youth at Risk
>Celebrating thirteen years of connecting people, place and community.

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