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Re: Gas Prices

Gas at Costco in Clarkston is at $1.26 for regular and a $1.43 for super.
Elsewhere in Clarkston, it is about $1.29 for regular.  Cheapest gas in
Moscow is at Husky Sport Shop on the Pullman Hwy.  It's $1.45, less 3 cents
a gallon for cash or check. -----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Friday, December 03, 1999 1:51 PM
Subject: Gas Prices

>In my never ending research into gasoline prices I was surprised last week
>see that while Moscow remains at $145.9-$146.9, Honolulu (yes Hawaii) was
>low as $135.9 in Waikiki to $138.9 on the North Shore.  Perhaps the lower
>price is because they are on an interstate highway, however, they are a
>college town so guess that isn't the explanation.  Maybe if we could move
>up the river to Lewiston by freighter we could get our prices down or is
>Lewiston already so much lower than Moscow because they are already doing
>that while Moscow's comes by truck.  Hmmmmm.

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