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Re: Gun Story-SUV villification-liberals stink.

Pretty much says it all.  Bar the doors and check the ammo!

>From: "Travis Tonn" <>
>To: "Wayne H Beebe" <>,        "Robert C. Tindall" 
>CC: "Vision 2020" <>
>Subject: Re: Gun Story-SUV villification-liberals stink.
>Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 11:42:15 -0800
>There is a growing movement in this country, by liberals, to villify SUVs 
>the next public enemy.  The typically flawed liberal reasoning goes like
>this:  SUVs are bigger than normal cars so when they get into crashes with
>smaller vehicles, their occupants don't get hurt as much.  So that is
>unfair, we must outlaw SUVs so that everybody gets hurt at the same rate as
>everybody else. SUVs are bad for the environment because of their poor gas
>mileage.  They are also more macho looking and we liberals can't handle
>anything that promotes the male libido.  Maleness is bad.  Also, SUVs cost
>more and are more luxurious so they are typically owned by evil republican
>capitalists who are macho, hate the environment and don't care about anyone
>else's safety, we must ban SUVs.
>     If you doubt this growing movement, just read the paper the next time
>somebody gets in an accident with an SUV.  If a pedestrian gets hit by a
>Ford Explorer, the headline or lead paragraph will include a statement
>similar to; "Woman struck by SUV!"  or "Woman in critical condition after
>encounter with SUV!".  I'm sick of liberal socialists in this country
>telling us that if we smoke, we are insensitive, stupid and downright
>morally wrong.  If I like to hunt and shoot, I am pure evil.  Not only do I
>kill poor defensless creatures, but I also am some sort of a dangerous nut
>who must be monitored by the government.  If I go to church and promote
>moral values I am a right wing extremist(unless its some sort of hip
>Hollywood nature-based religion) who wants to force my morals on everybody
>else and blow up abortion clinics.  I'm tired of their name calling and
>attempts to outlaw or overtax everything that I associate with my culture.
>I grew up hunting and fishing and off-roading and shooting and going to
>church.  That is my culture and the liberals in this country can't stand 
>of it and are tireless in their efforts to either ban it, tax it, outlaw it
>or make you look like a creep if you partake in it.  Conservatives  had
>better wake up and get a hundred times more aggressive in their efforts to
>preserve common sense and decency in this country.  Use the courts as a 
>to change things like the liberals do.  stop infighting and concentrate 
>anger and frustration at liberals.  How often do you hear liberals trash
>each other?  Not very.  Republicans make a sport out of it.  And finally,
>Don't be ashamed to be a conservative!  Proclaim it loudly and often, get
>those politically incorrect bumper stickers.  Don't be afraid to stick up
>for common sense and morals.  After all, you are right!!!-----Original
>From: Robert C. Tindall <>
>To: Wayne H Beebe <>
>Cc: Vision 2020 <>
>Date: Monday, November 22, 1999 9:45 AM
>Subject: Re: Gun Story
> >You've eloquently stated precisely what troubles me about this.  Driving 
> >a privilege.  There are extensive laws and limitations on the manufacture
> >and operation of motor vehicles.  There were over 41,000 traffic related
> >deaths.
> >
> >So what do we do about this?  Do we pass more laws?  I see no national
> >movement to further limit ownership of automobiles, and I suspect if 
> >who do not own or operate an automobile tried to do so they would be
> >pilloried by those who do not want their ability to drive to the mall
> >further restricted.
> >
> >41,471 people killed, contless more injured to various degrees.  How much
> >does that cost us in health care, lost productivity, and disrupted lives?
> >Where is the effort to stem the tide of blood on our nation's streets?
> >
> >At 09:26 PM 11/19/99 -0800, Wayne H Beebe wrote:
> >>Let's see, there are licensing laws.
> >>There are auto registration laws
> >>There are laws dealing with legal age to drive
> >>There are laws governing speed
> >>There are laws governing drinking and driving
> >>There are laws requiring safety features on vehicles
> >>There are laws that permit confiscation of a vehicle
> >>There are laws that allow implied consent.
> >>There are laws dealing with environmental issues.
> >>There are laws requiring insurance.
> >>There are laws that insure proper traffic flow.
> >>
> >>No they haven't prevented all deaths, but consider how much higher they
> >>would be if we considered driving a right (as in the case of guns) 
> >>than a privilege.
> >>----- Original Message -----
> >>From: Robert C. Tindall <>
> >>To: Wayne H Beebe <>
> >>Cc: Vision 2020 <>
> >>Sent: Friday, November 19, 1999 4:49 PM
> >>Subject: Re: Gun Story
> >>
> >>
> >>According to the NHTSA there were 41,471 traffic fatalities in 1998.
> >>
> >>I wonder how many automotive control laws are pending to solve this 
> >>in
> >>our country.
> >>
> >>At 04:07 PM 11/19/99 -0800, Wayne H Beebe wrote:
> >>>
> >>> I don't know if any of you saw this story about gun violence. I 
> >>> would send it to you just in case.
> >>> Note there were 39,000 deaths due to guns in the last year. A 
> >>yes,
> >>> but look at the last comment at the end of the article
> >>
> >
> >

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