Stop the madness!
- To:
- Subject: Stop the madness!
- From: "JS M" <>
- Date: Mon, 01 Nov 1999 15:14:43 PST
- Resent-Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 15:16:16 -0800 (PST)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"Qrjws.A.CtG.Q8hH4">
- Resent-Sender:
Re: Washington State Initiative 695, on the ballot tomorrow. Have friends
in Pullman? Forward this on.
>From The Courthouse Journal, October 29:
If I-695 passes next week, county assessors will be faced with a real
dilemma on how they will place motor vehicles, campers, and travel trailers
back on the personal property tax rolls. I-695 repeals the two exemptions
that exist in law making such property exempt from property taxes. The
exemption for motor vehicles was placed into law in 1937 when the motor
vehicle excise tax was first enacted. Prior to that, automobiles were
subject to personal property taxation. In a recent memorandum opinion, the
Attorney General for the State of Washington indicated that there is still a
question as to whether passage of I-695 would subject motor vehicles to
property taxes. The opinion went on to say, however, that there was enough
likelihood of that occurring that the Department of Revenue should make
plans for the implementation of such a possibility. Nearly all prosecuting
attorneys feel I-695 returns motor vehicles to the property tax rolls. One
of the questions assessors have asked is what is the number of vehicles
registered by county so that assessors would have some ballpark figure for
planning. We all realize that there are going to be more than one vehicle in
many households and therefore, there would not be a one-to-one correlation
between the number of vehicles and the number of new personal property
accounts required to properly assess all vehicles. We could not find an
estimate of the number of vehicles per household, but it can probably be
assumed the number is somewhere between two and three. Probably the most
conservative approach would be to use two vehicles per household, dividing
the currently registered number of motor vehicles in half, which would be an
approximation of the number of potential new personal property accounts.
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