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Re: Candidate Position Request

On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, Mark Miller wrote:

> Personally, I would see any response to this subject by Incumbent City
> Council Candidate Busch as a conflict of interest.  I did not attend, or
> have I heard anything about the forum, but I am guessing by Mr. Hillebrand's
> post that the subject of gas prices did come up?  I would hope that as far
> as politics go, that Mr. Busch would stay completely out of this issue.
> Mark Miller
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Tim Hillebrand <>
> To: Vision2020 <>
> Sent: Friday, October 29, 1999 11:01 AM
> Subject: Candidate Position Request
> > I believe many of us in this discussion group would be interested in
> having
> > City Council Candidate Busch respond to the question of why Moscow has
> > consistently higher gasoline prices. Also I wonder if Mr. Busch, if
> elected,
> > has any ideas of how this situation might be rectified.
> >
> > Thank you
> >
> > Tim Hillebrand

A present city council member makes his living selling fuel and thus is
involved, either directly or indirectly, in setting the price of gasoline
in Moscow. For him to vote on the city's fuel purchasing agreements
obviously would be a conflict of interest.

I can find no conflict of interest in asking him, before deciding to vote
for him, why he thinks Moscow residents pay an extra 10 cents for gas. Who
would have a better idea than he? The question has been asked for so long
without a respectable explanation that I might be forgiven for suspecting
that there IS no good explanation.

But I have a hard time with the argument that we both have to pay the
extra money day after day, week after week, month after month (you get the

And that we have to make a decision on who to vote for without even asking
one of the candidates for his take on the situation. People who run for
office have to expect this kind of question. I am astounded that no one --
and I am part of the pool of delinquent questioners -- asked this
particular candidate this particular question before!

So here we all are, waiting for an answer. Soon? Please?

Don H. Coombs

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