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Re: Candidate Position Request

Personally, I would see any response to this subject by Incumbent City
Council Candidate Busch as a conflict of interest.  I did not attend, or
have I heard anything about the forum, but I am guessing by Mr. Hillebrand's
post that the subject of gas prices did come up?  I would hope that as far
as politics go, that Mr. Busch would stay completely out of this issue.

Mark Miller
----- Original Message -----
From: Tim Hillebrand <>
To: Vision2020 <>
Sent: Friday, October 29, 1999 11:01 AM
Subject: Candidate Position Request

> I believe many of us in this discussion group would be interested in
> City Council Candidate Busch respond to the question of why Moscow has
> consistently higher gasoline prices. Also I wonder if Mr. Busch, if
> has any ideas of how this situation might be rectified.
> Thank you
> Tim Hillebrand

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