Meeting Agendas for Nov 1st
- To: "\"Larry Hodge (E-mail)\" <Larry Hodge" <>, "\"Lori Courtright (E-mail)\" <Lori Courtright" <>, "\"Roger Blanchard (E-mail)\" <Roger Blanchard" <>, "\"Vision 2020 (E-mail)\" <Vision 2020" <>
- Subject: Meeting Agendas for Nov 1st
- From: Chris Bainbridge <>
- Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 16:58:14 -0700
- Cc: "Gib Myers (E-mail)" <>, "\"Gary Riedner (E-mail)\" <Gary Riedner" <>, "Linda Pall (E-mail)" <>, "\"Marshall Comstock (E-mail)\" <Marshall Comstock" <>, "\"Pam Palmer (E-mail)\" <Pam Palmer" <>, "\"Peg Hamlett (E-mail)\" <Peg Hamlett" <>
- Cc: "Steve Busch (E-mail)" <>, "Tom LeClaire (E-mail)" <>, "Tony Johnson (E-mail)" <>
- Resent-Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 17:02:53 -0700 (PDT)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"c7ZfyB.A.6oB.CVjG4">
- Resent-Sender:
Monday, October 11, 1999 4:00 p.m.
206 East Third Street, Second Floor
1. Approval of Minutes of October 4, 1999
2. Request by Kevin Adams to Amend a Conditional Use Permit - Dale Pernula
Kevin Adams was granted approval by the Council for a mini-warehouse
project on Harden Road in July 1998. He has constructed a portion of the
project but is requesting to be relieved of having to comply with two
conditions of approval. Reviewed by Administrative Committee June 7 and
June 28, 1999.
ACTION: Reject request, or recommend releasing Mr. Adams from item #3
(dust control) and item #4 (speed reduction) of the order relative to the
Conditional Use Permit.
Palouse Basin Aquifer Report - Tom Scallorn
Council Chamber Upgrade - Gary J. Riedner
Joint Meeting with Legislators and City Council - Gary J. Riedner
Mountain View Improvements - Mike McGahan
Transportation Commission Update - Dale Pernula
Annexation Policy - Dale Pernula
Monday, November 1, 1999 4:30 p.m.
206 East Third Street, Second Floor
1. Approval of Minutes of October 11, 1999.
2. Approval of Minutes of October 18, 1999
3. September Accounts Payable - Jim Wallace
4. Moscow Food Co-op - Dean Weyen/Randy Fife
A complaint has been lodged by an adjacent property owner regarding a
recent configuration and resultant use of an existing loading dock at the
rear of the new Moscow Food Co-op facility. Public Works/Finance Committee
previously (August 16, 1999) proposed that a payment by the City to the
Co-op of $3,000is a fair resolution of the claim for damages made by the
Co-op. This was to be brought back to committee for review of Co-op plans
to remedy the situation and forward on to Council agenda for further
action, including encroachment agreements.
Council Agenda Item #5
ACTION: Recommend authorizing settlement and mayor's signature on
encroachment agreements, or take such other action as deemed appropriate.
5. Waiver of Inspection Fees for Sojourner's Alliance - Dale Pernula
Rob Painter-Johnson has requested waiver of the permit and inspection fees
of $4,775 on behalf of Sojourners' Alliance in connection with the
construction of an addition to an existing dwelling at 627 N Van Buren. It
was decided at that meeting that this request should be considered as part
of the grant request from Sojourners' Alliance. Council recommended waiver
of those fees at the Council Workshop of October 19, 1999.
Council Agenda Item #1D
ACTION: Take action as deemed appropriate.
6. Bid Results - 3 Police Cars - David Duke
Vehicle bids were received for the purchase of 3 police cars budgeted for
replacement this year. Dan Wiebold Ford of Nampa provided the lowest bid
at $64,542. Budget reference 01-4214-750 and 01-4215-750.
Council Agenda Item #1E
ACTION: Recommend acceptance of lowest bid from Dan Wiebold Ford and
purchase vehicles.
7. Public Improvements for Public Avenue - Orchard Meadows Addition - Dean
Conrad Smith's proposed addition borders Public Avenue along its south
side. Mr. Smith is requesting the City waive the public improvements along
Public Avenue.
Council Agenda Item #3
ACTION: Recommend that all of the normally required improvements (curb,
sidewalk, pavement widening) be required and not waived, or take such other
action as deemed appropriate.
8. Agreement for Professional Services for 1912 Building - Randy Rice
An agreement with Design West Architects has been finalized for the next
phase of the 1912 Building project. Consultant services outlined in the
agreement include design development, construction document, bidding and
negotiation and construction administration. Reviewed by Public
Works/Finance November 1, 1999.
Council Agenda Item #7
ACTION: Approve, modify or reject agreement for professional services. If
approved, authorize mayor's signature thereon.
9. Change Order #2 Aquatics Center Project - Randy Rice
This Change Order totals $27,023 and documents modifications required
during construction.
Council Agenda Item #1G
ACTION: Recommend approval of change order and authorize mayor's signature
10. Consideration of Nominations for ICRMP Board of Trustees - Gary J.
The attached message from ICRIMP requests the nomination of an elected
official who is willing to serve as the ICRMP Board of Trustees for Region
ACTION: Propose nominations(s) for ICRMP Board of Trustees to be submitted
to ICRMP prior to November 5, 1999.
Quarterly Financial Summary - Jim Wallace
Water Conservation Programs - Tom Scallorn
Enhancement Application Denial from ITD
ICDBG - North Polk Water Line - Dale Pernula
November 1, 1999 7:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street
Pledge of Allegiance - in honor of Municipal Election and Veteran's Day
1. Consent Agenda: Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered
separately later. Approval by roll call vote.
A. Approval of Minutes of October 18, 1999.
B. Approval of Accounts Payable for the Month of September, 1999 - Jim
Public Works/Finance Committee reviewed accounts payable for the month of
September 1999, and recommends approval of the following:
General 455,824.91
Parks & Recreation 1,241,618.65
Arts 4,781.53
Street 460,284.02
Airport 8,621.92
911 1,226.59
Water & Sewer 329,713.54
Sanitation 166,973.12
Parking 1,961.43
LID Guaranty 4,000.00
TOTALS 2,675,005.71
C. Allocation of Grant Funds From Council Workshop for Community Services
-Tony Johnson
The City Council met October 19, 1999 in a workshop session to review
outside agency requests submitted under the Council's grant program. As
the attached summary indicates, eight groups submitted requests totaling
$41,989.00. After individual presentations, the Council prioritized the
requests and allocated $25,000 in funds and proposed a waiver of fees in
the amount of $4,775 to Sojourners' Alliance for a total of $29,770, as
indicated on the attached sheet.
ACTION: Accept recommendations from the Council workshop individually
awarding agency funding and authorize staff to notify the agencies of the
amounts and to disburse funds.
D. Waiver of Inspection Fees for Sojourner's Alliance - Dale Pernula
Rob Painter-Johnson has requested waiver of the permit and inspection fees
of $4,775 on behalf of Sojourners' Alliance in connection with the
construction of an addition to an existing dwelling at 627 N Van Buren. It
was decided at that meeting that this request should be considered as part
of the grant request from Sojourners' Alliance. Council recommended waiver
of those fees at the Council Workshop of October 19, 1999.
ACTION: Waive permit and inspection fees for Sojourners' Alliance in the
amount of $4,775.
E Bid Results - 3 Police Cars - David Duke
Vehicle bids went out for three police interceptors. Six bids were
received. It is the recommendation of the police department to accept the
low bid from Dan Wiebold Ford. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee
November 1, 1999.
ACTION: Accept low bid from Dan Wiebold Ford.
F. Conrad Smith Proposed Lot Division - Dale Pernula
Conrad Smith owns a 1.6 acre parcel of land at 1733 "F" Street with an
existing single family dwelling. He is proposing to divide the lot as
indicated on the enclosed plan to make the rear portion of the lot
available for development. Reviewed by Administrative Committee November
1, 1999.
ACTION: Approve proposed lot division.
G. Change Order #2 Aquatics Center Project - Randy Rice
This Change Order totals $27,023 and documents modifications required
during construction. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance November 1, 1999.
ACTION: Approve Change Order and authorize mayor's signature thereon.
H. Pudewa Lot Division - Dale Pernula
On February 16, 1999, the Council approved a three-lot division of this
11.6 acre parcel of land located on the west side of Orchard Avenue,
subject to dedication of the street right-of-way through the property and
dedication of a cul-de-sac at the north end of Lunde Lane. This proposal
would reduce the size of two of the lots and increase the size of lot 2,
which is the main area for future development. Reviewed by Administrative
Committee November 1, 1999.
ACTION: Approve Pudewa lot division with conditions that the street
right-of-way be dedicated through the property and dedication of the
cul-de-sac at the end of Lunde Lane.
2. Public Hearing - 7:30 p.m. - Proposed Annexation, Zoning and Preliminary
Subdivision Plat Review Relative to an 8.86 Acre Parcel of Land Located
North of Public Avenue and West of Orchard Avenue - Dale Pernula
Conrad Smith is proposing annexation and approval of a 21-lot single
family residential subdivision. The proposed R-1 Zoning is the same as the
current R-1 County Zoning. A public hearing was held on this issue by the
Planning and Zoning Commission on September 22, 1999, and a recommendation
was made on October 13, 1999 (minutes from both meetings are enclosed).
ACTION: After conducting public hearing, reject proposal, or approve
enclosed ordinance annexing and zoning the property on first reading or
under suspension of the rules requiring three separate and complete
readings (findings of fact must be made); and reject the preliminary
subdivision plat, or approve the plat with or without conditions.
3. Public Improvements for Public Avenue - Orchard Meadows Addition - Dean
Conrad Smith's proposed addition borders Public Avenue along its south
side. Mr. Smith is requesting the City to waive the public improvements
along Public Avenue. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance November 1, 1999
ACTION: Recommend that all of the normally required improvements (curb,
sidewalk, pavement widening) be required and not waived; or take such other
action as deemed appropriate.
4. Ordinance Adopting Provisions for Graywater Systems for Single Family
Dwellings - Dale Pernula
The proposed ordinance would establish minimum standards for graywater
systems which would be permitted for single family dwellings only. Such
systems would not be mandatory, but where installed, would have to meet the
new requirements. Reviewed by Administrative Committee November 1, 1999.
ACTION: Reject proposal; or approve enclosed ordinance on first reading or
under suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate
readings and that it be read by title only.
5. Moscow Food Co-op - Dean Weyen/Randy Fife
A complaint has been lodged by an adjacent property owner regarding a
recent configuration and resultant use of an existing loading dock at the
rear of the new Moscow Food Co-op facility. Public Works/Finance Committee
previously (August 16, 1999) proposed that a payment by the City to the
Co-op of $3,000 is a fair resolution of the claim for damages made by the
Co-op. This was to be brought back to committee for review of Co-op plans
to remedy the situation and forward on to Council agenda for further
action, including encroachment agreements.
ACTION: Authorize settlement and mayor's signature on encroachment
agreements, or take such other action as deemed appropriate.
6. 1912 Report - Tom Hudson
Tom Hudson will present an updated report on the 1912 Building.
ACTION: Accept Report.
7. Agreement for Professional Services for 1912 Building - Randy Rice
An agreement with Design West Architects has been finalized for the next
phase of the 1912 Building project. Consultant services outlined in the
agreement include design development, construction document, bidding and
negotiation and construction administration. Reviewed by Public
Works/Finance November 1, 1999.
ACTION: Approve, modify or reject agreement for professional services. If
approved, authorize mayor's signature thereon.
Administrative Committee
Public Works/Finance Committee
Other Boards & Commissions
Chris Bainbridge
City Clerk
City of Moscow
Voice (208) 883-7015
Fax (208) 883-7018
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