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Corridor Update

Tonight at 7:00 pm, the Whitman County Planning Commission will hold a 
workshop meeting (it's public, as always) regarding the inclusion of asphalt 
processing plants as a conditional use within the Pullman-Moscow Corridor.  
Also up for discussion is the inclusion of expansion of existing uses or 
structures as a conditional use within the Corridor.

The Pullman-Moscow Corridor District currently allows mining and rock 
crushing as a conditional use.  Current mining and rock crushing in the 
Corridor is for production of asphalt.  Whitman County Planning has received 
a request from Poe Asphalt to move operations from the existing site to the 
Sunshine Road quarry site, allowing more efficient production and decreasing 
truck traffic between the two sites.  As an existing use, Poe can continue 
production, but once the production site is moved, the operation becomes a 
new use not currently allowed within the Corridor.  Thus, the Planning 
Commission will review a proposal to include asphalt production as a 
conditional use within the Corridor.

The Corridor District does not currently allow the expansion of existing 
(grandfathered) land uses or structures.  In an attempt to support continued 
economic development in the District, the Planning Commission will consider 
allowing expansion of existing uses or structures within the limits of the 
new setbacks.

Consider yourselves updated.

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