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Re: Where's the debate?


The "necktie issue" has once again reared its ugly head in your recent post.  I 
ignored it when Evan first raised it, but now I'm totally befuddled.  Gee, I 
don't want to lose the election because I wore or didn't wear a tie.  Can I 
have a ruling from the Grand High Commissioner on Attire about the "message" of 
particular haberdashery?  If this is really to be a "judge the book by the 
cover" meeting, then maybe we should just model briefly and sit down--only 
shouldn't we know the rules in advance?  Would a tie be a demonstrationof 
respect to one's audience, or a subtle message that the wearer is a member of 
the "establishment" (whatever that may be).  Should those of us who oppose the 
unfettered development and growth of our city "dress down" so that we appear to 
be "just folks?"  Or is the answer to wear a tee shirt AND a tie--and be sure 
not to sit near Evan and his ice cubes?
	You, Sue, are out of town now, but were closely associated with this process 
in the past.  I believe that YOU are the fashion arbiter, so PLEASE, let us 
know what we will be saying if we wear slacks, jeans, sweater, sport coat, tie, 
basketball shoes, loafers vs. tie shoes, etc.  Golly, what a confusion there 
would be if there were a woman on the ballot--in that case would there be 
separate rules for each gender or is there now an ecumenical dress code.  Well, 
you can save that for another day, because, sadly, it is not an issue this time 

Looking forward to your guidance.

Mike Curley

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