Status of Moscow's Action Plan
- To: Vision2020 <>
- Subject: Status of Moscow's Action Plan
- From: Tom Scallorn <>
- Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 15:44:33 -0400
- Organization: Moscow Water Dept
- Resent-Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 15:42:49 -0700 (PDT)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"CpO8DC.A.6XD.wyNF4">
- Resent-Sender:
The following question was asked about Moscow's Performance re guarding
the 'Action Plan' and following the
question is a response. I apologize if the formatting is not correct and
some of the lines do not line up correctly. I have edited this email
several times trying to clear up those problems.
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Subject: Re: Council candidate questions
Date sent: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 15:52:45 PDT
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Re: Palouse Basin Aquifer Committee, water issues, and council
elections.:As part of Moscow's Action Plan adopted at membership in the
PBAC, the city promised to "create a conservation fund with a four
cents/1,000 gallon surcharge to customers to pay for (conservation)
devices, to fund
research projects..., and hire assistance to implement the programs."
Does anyone know the status of this fund? What devices have been
distributed? Other action items were listed, as well. What's the
performance of the city
related to these action items?
(from September 1992 Groundwater Management Plan)
Attempt to limit annual aquifer pumping increases to one percent
(1%) of the pumping volume based on a
five (5) year moving average starting with 1986 (745 mgy). At no
time shall the accumulated total
pumping exceed 125 percent of the 1981 to 1985 average (increase
from 700 mgy to 875 mgy).
A: The past records seem to indicate that Moscow has exceeded this
item, that may not be the case. Those numbers are being recalculated. A
report to be made to the Palouse Basin Aquifer Committee on 10/21/99
contains three issues that need to be considered.
1.Moscow must flush fire hydrants to resolve customer complaints of
yellow water.
2. Moscow pumps from the shallow aquifer. We are the only domestic
pumping the shallow aquifer and have a very large capital investment
a Filtration Plant. The shallow aquifer is known to recharge. This
filtration plant requires that the filters be cleaned (backwashed)
can only be done by using some of the water we pump.
3. Flow meters from two wells where found to be reading high.
Continue summer/winter differential water rates.
A: We have continued winter and summer rates
Require developers to project water use.
A: To the best of my knowledge we do require this
Participate in programs that offer free water conserving devices to
A: We have participated in several programs to distribute conservation
devices to customers. The draw back with these programs is knowing that
the device was install and that at a later date the old device was not
reinstalled. The program that we are presently using is done in house.
One of our operators started a program of taking conservation devices
along on all visits to a customers residence to handle customer
complaints and asking if the customer would like them installed, if they
do he does it then and keeps the items that where removed. We feel this
is far better over the long haul.
Create a conservation fund with a four cents/1,000 gallon surcharge
to customers to pay for those
devices, to fund research projects recommended by the Committee,
and hire assistance to implement
A: The surcharge was first budgeted in the FY92 at a level of $28,000.
To the best of my knowledge this was never actually applied to the
'Water Bill', because there was no reasonable or practical way to do
this. The following year FY93 this was dropped from the budget, but we
have continued to fund these items. In FY99 we budgeted $5,200 for the
work of the Palouse Basin Aquifer Committee and $5,000 for water
conservation devices. FY2000 we have budgeted 25,200 for the work of the
Basin Committee and $5,000 for devices. FY98 we actually spent $3,499
for devices and FY99 is not yet available.
Adopt local codes requiring new water users to utilize water
conserving appliances, i.e., smaller
toilet tanks, etc.
A: To the best of my knowledge we have and do.
Meter city use of water.
A: We have had these meters installed for several years and read them,
the backwash water used for well# 2 and 3 is also metered.
Calibrate consumer meters.
A: I am not fully aware of what was intended here. We no longer repair
water meters, we have an exchange program where old meters that have
been removed are returned to the manufacturer and replaced with new
meters. When a customer has a high or low bill and the meter is
suspected we replace the meter. We try to replace dead meters on a
regular basis.
Address water issue in Comprehensive Plan.
A: I do not know.
Participate in education programs, i.e., schools, bill stuffers,
cable T.V.
A: We are not able to use bill stuffers because the bill is a post card.
We are presently developing education programs and programs that involve
apartment buildings. We currently conduct tours of our Water Filtration
Plant and the Waste Water Treatment Plant on Pullman Road. In 98 we
funded a 'Water Wise' program for the 4th and 6th grades in the Public
Schools. We work with customers on an individual basis when requested.
Encourage recycling at building permit level for major water users.
A: I do not know.
Continue to make city wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent
available to the University of Idaho.
A: We do.
Continue use of WWTP effluent for irrigation at WWTP.
A: We do and always will, our grass is the first to be green and need
cutting and the last to go dormant.
Establish demonstration projects utilizing low water
requirements-landscaping parks utilizing low
irrigation trees and shrubs.
A: I do not know but will find out.
Continue 24-hour daily recordings of water levels and pumpage.
A: We have and always will, this is done by computer and the information
is updated at about 30 second
Continue submitting data to the Committee computer program in timely
manner (monthly).
A: We do.
Assure the groundwater quality is protected in the Basin by :
Complying with or exceeding State and EPA water quality
standards for discharge into streams;
Regulating toxic and hazardous waste storage to create strict
standards to prevent contamination of
Prohibiting chemical dump site over the aquifers;
Continuing compliance with EPA regulations regarding underground
storage tanks.
A: We do.
n:Scallorn: ICQ 28312304;Tom
adr:;;120 West A Street;Moscow ;ID;83843;US
fn:Tom Scallorn: ICQ 28312304
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