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Hazardous Waste Disposal in Latah County vs. Whitman County????

I'm in the process of moving and have gathered up all that stuff that
tends to accumulate over the years (paint, pesticides, oil, etc.). 
In checking out proper disposal of this material, I found that Latah
County only takes this kind of stuff once a year!!

I knew about the yearly thing at Tidyman's but had assumed that this
was a convenience and not the only time.

If I lived in Washington, the Whitman County Waste Disposal would
take it (on a daily basis).

How come Whitman County has these daily facilities while we only have
it once a year?  Does that not tend to encourage people to improperly
disposed of hazards and pollute our environment?  Seems to me if
Washington can handle this properly, so can Idaho.

Carol M. Stiff

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