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Re: Development

At 09:46 AM 10/25/1999 -0700, Duncan Palmatier wrote:
>Trespassing? What a curiously urban, East Coast notion. Never occurred to me.
>PS: My thanks to the owner of the Orchard Bowl who never did post "No
>Trespassing" signs; probably agains the advise of lawyers.

This is not a one-to-one comparison, but this issue reminds me of the way
that different governments limit private property rights when there is a
higher public good to be served.  In Germany, owners of forested property
cannot post "No Tresspassing" signs--the recreational value of forests is
considered such a high public value, that forests are generally available
to the public for hiking, mushroom gathering, picnicing, etc.  This does
not hold true for hunting--hunting is highly regulated in Germany, and
there are no "public" hunting areas.  All available land suitable to
hunting must be leased by specific hunters.

In Idaho, private forested property is legally open to public hunting
unless the property is otherwise posted.  In Ohio (my state of origin), all
private property (including forests) is off-limits to hunting unless the
hunter has written permission (although some owners are lenient).

I know that the property discussed in this Moscow case is -- er, was -- a
field, and certainly subject to tresspass laws, but again, I thought this a
good opportunity to discuss the fact that governments generally do not hold
private property to be inviolable.

>Terry Johnson-Huhta wrote:
>> No doubt teaching your 4 year old son that is fine to trespass.
>> Terry Johnson-Huhta
>> ----------
>> > From: Duncan Palmatier <>
>> > To:
>> > Subject: Development
>> > Date: Friday, October 22, 1999 1:13 PM
>> >
>> > Dear Vision2020:
>> > Dave Sarf's message was, indeed heart wrenching. Especially so for me,
>> > because yesterday I went out to the "Orchard Bowl" to look at that
>> > splendid bit of empty land, and to show it to my four-year old son,
>> > Richard, and to describe how we would go sledding there this coming
>> > winter . . .  As we came upon it, there were the bull dozers flattenning
>> >
>> > out the bottom, grading some slopes, and just generally tearing the land
>> >
>> > apart to prepare it for yet another of Moscow's subdivisions.
>> > Pity.
>> > Duncan Palmatier
>> >
>> >

Bob Hoffmann                         229 East C St., Suite B
Alt-Escape Adventures                Moscow, ID  83843  USA            Phone: (208) 883-0642
                                     Fax: 1-800-683-3799

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